How to use it:

If it is your first time to use any of the scripts on this website – please refer to the FAQ first.

  1. Open/create document with the table you want to process.
  2. Place curson in the table you want to process.
  3. It’s best to first use the RESIZE ROWS option to make rows as high as the TextFrame and then reflow the overset text at the end. Then use RESIZE ROWS again and set the height to 20 “units” – if you have your units in inches or anything else bigger than mm – please change “20” accordingly – or switch to “mm” when using the script.
  4. Then click SPLIT CELLS.

MERGE CELLS will reverse the process and merge the split cells back.

You can edit content of the table/cells after you split the cells – it won’t affect MERGE back process – as long as you don’t remove/merge cells that were split – script is saving some hidden info to be able to recognise which cells were split.